Thursday, April 25, 2019

Press Release on the formation and assignment of Legal Advisory Team in order to give advices to the Court of Inquiry which was formed to further scrutinize incidents related to terror attacks committed by extremist Bengalis terrorists in Buthidaung-Maung

Press Release on the formation and assignment of Legal Advisory Team in order to give advices to the Court of Inquiry which was formed to further scrutinize incidents related to terror attacks committed by extremist Bengalis terrorists in Buthidaung-Maung


Press Release on the formation and assignment of Legal Advisory Team in order to give advices to the Court of Inquiry which was formed to further scrutinize incidents related to terror attacks committed by extremist Bengalis terrorists in Buthidaung-Maungtaw region of Rakhine State

1. As it needs to conduct further scrutiny over incidents related to terror attacks committed by extremist Bengalis (called Rohingyas by some foreign countries and some foreign organizations) terrorists in Buthidaung- Maungtaw region of Rakhine State on 25 August 2017 due to the advice of the Office of the Judge Advocate General, the Court of Inquiry was set up in conformity with Defence Services Rules to start the inquires on 18 March 2019.

2. On 2 April 2019, the Court of Inquiry invited that evidences and facts related to the incidents can be sent to the Court of Inquiry in person or through email and post in accordance with the prescribed ways.

3. In order to effectively carry out inquiries by the Court of Inquiry for collecting necessary evidential facts, legal matters and procedures, the Legal Advisory Team was formed and assigned with participation of following members in accordance with the directive of the Office of the Commander-in-Chief (Army);

(a) Maj-Gen Thaung Naing Chairman
Deputy Judge Advocate General

(b) Lt-Col Myint Thein Member
Assistant Judge Advocate General

(c) Major Myint San Member
Deputy Assistant Judge Advocate General

(d) Captain Kyaw Kyaw Lin Member
Deputy Assistant Judge Advocate General(Captain)

(e) Captain Daw Thazin Swe Member
Judge Advocate

4. Duties of the Legal Advisory Team are as follow:
(a) to give advice for witnesses who should be enquired.
(b) to give advice for evidential facts and documents which should be taken.
(c) to give advice for Scene of Incident where should be inspected.
(d) to give necessary advice for examination of witnesses in order not to lose sequence of evidence.
(e) to give necessary advice for other legal matters.

5. The press release was issued that the Judge Advocate General formed and assigned the Legal Advisory Team on 18 April 2019.

Tatmadaw True News Information Team

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