Thursday, April 25, 2019

Press release on Tatmadaw’s Court of Enquiry to invite evidential facts

Press release on Tatmadaw’s Court of Enquiry to invite evidential facts


1. The three-member Court of Enquiry established in accord with the military laws and rules to reassess and confirm the terror attacks carried out by extremist Bengali terrorists and other related incidents in Buthidaung-Maungtaw region, Rakhine State, on 25 August 2017 started its work on 18 March 2019.

2. The Court of Enquiry therefore invites witnesses, evidential photos and documents, audio files and video files related to those incidents.

3. Those facts and data can be sent together with the following points by e-mail or by postal service-

(a) Name of the sender and other details (address, phone number, email address, citizenship scrutiny card or certain identity card)

(b) Firm evidential facts and documents, audio files, video files, photos to be recorded.

4. It needs to accept interviews and scrutiny of the Court of Enquiry for ensuring firmness of the submitted facts if necessary. Those wishing to give testimonies in person may contact the following addresses.

(a) e-mail address:

(b) Address of the Court of Enquiry –

(1) Administrative Department, National Defence College, Zeyathiri Township, Nay Pyi Taw.

(2) Tactical Operations Command (Base), (Buthidaung), Buthidaung Town.

Tatmadaw True News Information Team

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